ITButler e-Services

Understanding the Anatomy of a Network Attack-How Darktrace Detects Intrusions

Cyberattacks look and feel like coordinated effective random events that happen in a certain area. But they are not. Have you ever thought about how they happen? However, to defend against network attacks, understanding the attack's structure and function is mandatory.

Integrating Network Detection and Response into Your Security Strategy: A Step-by-Step Guide

These days hackers and crackers are much smarter in their approaches than before. As conventional approaches to security fail to meet the challenge, the companies remain exposed to threats that can easily overcome simple firewalls and viruses. Therefore, this is where

How to Leverage Darktrace’s Self-Learning AI for Network Threat Detection

Do you ever question whether your current network is secure enough from today’s prevalent cyber threats? As hackers become more sophisticated and invasions evolve, endpoint safety measures are necessary to identify distinctive activities. So that is where AI-powered solutions come in.

Building Effective Use Cases for Network Detection and Response with Darktrace

Cybersecurity threats are advancing at an alarming rate. Therefore businesses are not only concerned about data theft but also about malware outbreaks. Security of information and business continuity demand better technologies. So this is where Network Detection and Response (NDR) solutions

Exploring Darktrace’s Autonomous Response Capabilities-Mitigating Threats in Real-Time

As our reliance on digital infrastructure grows, so too does the risk of cyberattacks. Cybersecurity is no longer a luxury for businesses instead it’s a necessity. The formerly used method of manual identification and response to threats is now insufficient. Modern

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Domain Monitoring

Keeping track of domain registrations to identify and mitigate phishing sites or domains that mimic the brand.