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GRC in Middle East- Best Practices to Strengthen in 2024

GRC in Middle East

Are regulations and risks changing at such a pace in your business that it’s getting too hard to keep up? If yes, then you are not alone. GRC in the Middle East is becoming a major concern for firms, especially due to increasing regulations and digital threats. Businesses suffer from penalties, reputational losses, and missed growth opportunities due to the lack of a solid GRC structure.

So, how do you build stronger GRC practices in 2024 and drive your business forward? To learn this, you have to stick with us. This guide will explore the best practices to enhance your GRC strategy and risk management.

What is the importance of GRC in the Middle East?

GRC in the Middle East has been in rapid evolution within the last few years. However, this is due to increased regulations and global interdependence. Companies are not just answerable to the local authorities but have to comply with international standards as well.

Why does it matter for you to care about GRC?

GRC is useful for improving competitive advantage and safety for any company by:

  1. Risk Mitigation: A strong GRC framework helps you identify risk and manage it before it becomes a costly problem.
  1. Compliance Confidence: With compliance regulatory requirements being provided with immunity, enables stakeholder confidence.
  1. Governance Efficiency: Effective governance will ensure that decisions are taken with the least possible costs which would result in higher efficiency.

Therefore, it is no longer an option but a need for organizations aimed at survival in today’s competitive market.

What GRC Is?

Before we get too ahead, first let’s understand what GRC means. Governance is all about the rules and procedures of controlling a company. 

Therefore, it ensures everything is operated effortlessly and ethically. However, risk management deals with identifying the threats to the organization and figuring out how to handle them. Lastly, compliance deals with laws, regulations, and internal policies. When these three all work together, a company is not just legally sound but also prepared for challenges.

Are you thinking about why It’s crucial to focus on GRC in the Middle East, especially in 2024? Then, Let’s now move forward in comprehending it.

Best Practices for Governance in 2024

The “G” in GRC is governance and it sounds like something big to worry about. But the truth of the matter is every business prospers because of good governance practices. So what does that look like?

1. Clear Leadership Structure

Good governance starts with building a clear leadership structure.  An organization must have a clear hierarchy of who does what and how. Further, everyone should be aware of their roles from top management to the newly hired juniors. Also, be considerate of how they will all add up in contributing towards the company’s mission. Although, it sounds quite easy but often forgotten.

2. Transparency

What makes the businesses reliable in 2024? This question may have arisen in your mind as well however, it’s their transparency. It includes providing regular feedback and open-door policies to voice your concerns to bridge any differences.

3. Ethical Business Practices

The term “rule” is a culture of integrity that promotes good behavior in the hopes that it will not only be encouraged but also expected. If all the employees follow rules, then the business would be far better positioned to accept the risks and challenges.

Best Practices for Risk Management in 2024 

Risk management is a technique that can boost and decline your business in a blink of an eye. Consider GRC in the Middle East like a seatbelt of the car. Sometimes you do not buckle it, but it might save your life when you do it. Similarly, when you follow the rules and regulations, your business survives. 

The economic climate in the Middle East changes overnight, hence an effective risk management plan can make a difference.

1. Risk Assessment

Before getting started, one needs to identify what they are up to. This involves determining potential risks that would affect the business. Moreover, the risks can be financial, operational, and even reputational. After coming up with the list, rank them according to the likelihood of their impact on your company.

2. Crisis Management Plan

No one wants to face worst-case scenarios whether they are digital threats or penalties. In any case, an effective GRC plan ensures that you are ready to act fast and thus minimize damage. 

3. Continuous Monitoring

Risks do not remain constant with time however, their monitoring must be a continuous process. Enterprises must have to revisit the risk management plans at times and adjust their strategies accordingly. Moreover, this strategy requires proactivity rather than reactiveness. 

Best Practices for Compliance in 2024

Compliance is the area that focuses on following the rules, regulations, and laws. In this digital age, there are several technology options and guidelines to stay ahead of the competition. So, here are the best practices with the right systems in place.

1. Know the rules

It may be obvious but many companies get this wrong. You have to stay updated about all current legislations whether they are local or international.  Therefore, it should be a priority for companies in the Middle East, as regulations are constantly changing.

2. Automate Where Possible

Companies should opt for automated tools for checking and conformity in this fast-paced era. Additionally, human workload and probable errors can also be saved with automation.

3. Regular Audits

When you audit daily, you won’t have to wait for a regulatory body to know the problem. However, internal audits ensure that you are in compliance and give you ways to correct any issue that may occur.

Role of Technology in Strengthening GRC in the Middle East

The future of the GRC in the Middle East cannot be started without mentioning technology. Therefore, businesses must embrace digital tools and platforms to support stronger GRC practices. Moreover, technologies in the form of AI-based analytics will make GRC in the Middle East much smarter and more effective.

Further, AI can analyze and predict risks much before their execution, and this makes it easy for businesses to take preventive measures. The compliance data of cloud-based systems is safely stored and accessed from anywhere across the globe. So, businesses are always prepared for audits. It doesn’t happen only among the IT companies however, small and medium-sized enterprises also have the GRC framework.

GRC In the Middle East Tailored With Region

While most of what we’ve discussed so far is a global best practice, in many areas businesses need to put efforts.

1. Cultural Sensitivity

The Middle East can be termed as a cultural melting pot. Thus, GRC in the Middle East should exhibit respect for the local customs of this place. However, operations must go hand in hand with goodwill among the stakeholders.

2. Regional Regulations

Each country in the Middle East has its guidelines and policies. What may be applicable in UAE may not be applicable in Saudi Arabia. Therefore, companies should be aware of the differences and need to accordingly vary their GRC practices as well.

3. Political Stability

It can be quite unpredictable at times and is a very challenging political time for the Middle East. Therefore, businesses need to factor this into their overall risk management plan and ensure that measures are in place.


Building a strong GRC in the Middle East is a transition from checking off boxes to a sustainable business. So, all leaders must be the ones that invest in governance, manage risks; and always comply with rules.

If you are one of those small businesses or multinational corporations out there so, strengthen your GRC framework. Trust us in the future, you will thank you for it! After all, it is not about penalties anymore. Rather, it’s about building a company that will be ready for growth through any challenge that comes its way.

FAQs about the GRC in the Middle East

What does a GRC system do?

GRC is a governance, risk management, and compliance model that sets rules and regulations.  These policies help businesses to achieve their goals in legal ways.

What are the pillars of GRC?

Three main pillars of GRC help to reduce risks and maintain a legally sound environment.

What is the purpose of the GRC team?

The GRC team is responsible for the following tasks:

Is GRC part of security?

GRC stands for governance, risk management, and compliance in cyber security. However, it ensures to mitigate risks and follow policies to align business objectives with IT strategy.

What is the benefit of GRC?

Three main benefits of GRC include

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