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NCA's Latest Cybersecurity Guidelines-Impact on Saudi Businesses

NCA’s Latest Cybersecurity Guidelines-Impact on Saudi Businesses

When you hear “cybersecurity,” you might think of only huge corporations or technology giants. But, with the new NCA guidelines, it seems clear that each enterprise big or small takes its cybersecurity seriously. As a result, it might be a game-changer for them.

However, in this modern era of technology where there is a surge in cybercriminals, businesses need a strong cybersecurity framework. So, the NCA has recently been quite active in releasing several important documents to keep businesses and consumers safe. It includes guidelines on e-commerce, IoT, and essential cybersecurity controls.

In this blog, we will look at the impact of these guidelines on Saudi businesses, especially those in e-commerce. Therefore, if you are a business owner, consumer, or just interested in cybersecurity. Stick with us and get ready for some important insights!

What are the NCA Guidelines?

So, what are these guidelines? Think of them as a set of rules that makes businesses cyber-safe. The NCA is not throwing these rules but is ensuring that businesses are cyber-ready enough to handle threats. Why? Because hackers don’t knock before entering, they just walk in.

However, from handling sensitive data to stopping cyber attacks these guidelines try to cover almost everything. But they are not for IT experts to decode. 

Therefore, these should be understood by all those who participate in the company from top management to employees. That is why they are made practical though some may still feel it a bit confusing. After all, not everyone is aware of the technical terms of cybersecurity.

Why Are These Guidelines So Important for Saudi Businesses?

Now, you probably think “My business is small, I do not need this cybersecurity stuff.” But you do. Because cybersecurity is not just for those big corporations with high office buildings and supersized servers. It’s for anyone. 

If you have a cafe with an ordering system online or a financial firm with confidential data. Cybersecurity should rank at the top of your priority list.

Why? Because no one wants to be that ill-prepared about such a serious matter. All it takes is one tiny error to let the entire program down. It’s a nightmare that no business would want to go through.

In addition, businesses that fail to comply with the NCA guidelines suffer from penalties or constraints. Therefore, it’s like being told to eat your veggies you might not want to, but it’s good for you!

Latest NCA Guidelines for Cybersecurity in Saudi Arabia

1. Cybersecurity Guidelines for E-commerce

The popularity of online shopping has grown exponentially, but with every element of convenience comes great risks. Therefore, the NCA in cooperation with the Saudi e-Commerce Council, has presented two sets of guidelines. One is for e-commerce service providers and another for consumers.

For Service Providers (SMEs and SoHo Sellers)

It covers how you can keep your business secure, whether you are safeguarding customer data or protecting your online services. Likewise, either if you have a large platform or sell handmade crafts out of your home. Cybersecurity protects your business from scams or frauds by putting locks on your doors digitally.

For Consumers (SMEs and SoHo Sellers)

NCA guidelines show you the way to shop smartly and safely. But as consumers, we have the best defense in our hands.

For example, being cautious about secure payment gateway and not oversharing your personal information. However, these guidelines aim for a safer e-commerce environment in Saudi Arabia where both buyers and sellers can transact confidently.

2. Cybersecurity Toolkits

Cybersecurity policies often feel like a burdensome but essential task. Therefore, the NCA has designed some cybersecurity toolkits that make this hard work easy for organizations. These are far more than templates, they include step-by-step guidance on implementing cybersecurity practices relevant to your business.

Policies, Standards, and Procedures

These are the backbone of any effective cybersecurity system. Moreover, these toolkits enable organizations to build governance documents outlining how they intend to manage and mitigate cyber risks.

Key Objectives

All of this helps it to improve cyber efficiency, reduce risks, and be better prepared. By following these practices, businesses can ensure strong defense to prevent any potential attack. Therefore, these toolkits are essential, practical, and easy-to-follow guides that keep your business secure.

3. Internet of Things Security Guidelines

The NCA’s Guidelines for IoT make manufacturers using this technology aware of risks and share steps to reduce them. Therefore, these guidelines are designed to incorporate the best cybersecurity strategies into IoT devices and services.

However, ranging from a smart doorbell to an industrial machine, these guidelines have given a useful framework for safe devices. Moreover, these guidelines must be followed by businesses using IoT. Consequently, no one wants it to be an entry point for a major cyber-attack!

4. Essential Cybersecurity Controls

The National Cyber Security Authority (NCA) didn’t just limit themselves there, they have even introduced essential cybersecurity controls. However, it ensures that an organization meets minimum cybersecurity requirements.  The five domains under these controls include:

  1. Cybersecurity Governance: The arrangement of a defined hierarchy of managing cybersecurity within your organization.
  1. Cybersecurity Defense: What is your business doing to protect against attacks? This domain includes firewalls, encryption, and the rest.
  1. Cybersecurity Resilience: This dimension determines how well your business is going to bounce back quickly after an attack.
  1. Third-party and Cloud Computing Cybersecurity: With so many businesses now relying on third-party vendors and cloud services, this domain ensures your business is safe.
  1. Industrial Control Systems Cybersecurity: This domain is focused on protecting industrial control systems from cyber threats. 

How These Guidelines Impact Saudi Businesses

So what does this mean to businesses in Saudi Arabia? It’s not negative and hopeless. The standards published by NCA can have numerous positive effects as well.

1. Better Reputation and Trust 

Who would you like to do business with a company that could not even protect its own data? However, all these policies will increase your business’s reputation. In fact, the more you let the clients know that you care about security, the more trust will be fostered. After all, trust is the foundation of every successful business relationship.

2. Avoiding Penalties

Just obey the rules, and you won’t have any legal problems at all.  However, It’s the same concept with speed limits, you drive safe and never get caught with a traffic ticket.

3. Less Downtime

Have you tried working with a computer system that is down? It is not much fun to work like that. As downtime automatically means revenue loss, which no company would wish to happen. In this regard,  NCA guidelines can help you to avoid cyber attacks which can crash down your system. 

4. Long term cost saving

Strong cyber measures cost money, but it is an investment. However, a single cyber-attack can cost a business millions. Therefore, following the guidelines of NCA will save you from headaches and all those bills.

Steps for Implementing the NCA’s Guidelines

Now that we’ve covered the why, let’s discuss the how. How do you implement these rules without losing your mind?

1. Get Everyone on Board

Cybersecurity is a team sport. Therefore, everyone in your company needs to understand the importance of these guidelines. Above all, host some training sessions, make it fun, and involve every department.

2. Invest in Good Technology

Good tech investment means cybersecurity tools like firewalls, encryption software, and anti-virus programs. Moreover, these tools will keep the bad guys away from stealing your customer data.

3. Audits Regularly

Don’t wait for something to go wrong. However, schedule regular audits to find out if your cybersecurity measures are actually working. 

4. Update Your Systems

How long has it been since you last upgraded your software? If you don’t remember, then it means you haven’t upgraded it. Old systems are easy to hack. Therefore, keep everything updated and patched so you don’t get unwanted attacks.

Future of Cybersecurity in Saudi Arabia

With time, the threats in cyber will surge due to a rise in technology. It means that the businesses have to be on their feet and be prepared.  The future of Saudi Arabia in respect of cybersecurity looks great with more innovations and protections being introduced. 

However, maintaining compliance with these guidelines should be important for future securing your business. Indeed, companies that begin embracing cybersecurity now are likely to position themselves quite well in handling risks. 

These guidelines may seem daunting today, but they are laying the stage for safer businesses in the Kingdom.


So, the latest NCA guidelines about cybersecurity are just a seatbelt for Saudi businesses. Moreover, cyber-attacks are unpredictable-they don’t come with an appointment. Companies can protect themselves, their customers, and their data by embracing the regulations of the NCA. Consequently, this is no more about compliance but securing a rather fe future in an increasingly digital life. 

FAQs about NCA Guidelines in Saudi Arabia

– What is NCA in cyber security?

The National Cybersecurity Authority (NCA) is the government body in Saudi Arabia. It is responsible for formulating and implementing cybersecurity policies and standards. It guards the country’s digital infrastructure while ensuring all sectors adhere to regulations.

– What is the cybersecurity regulation in Saudi Arabia?

It ensures an organization adheres to the cybersecurity regulations established by the NCA in Saudi Arabia. It’s necessary because it safeguards critical infrastructure, sensitive data, and national security interests from cyber threats.

– What is KSA in cyber security?

KSA in cybersecurity stands for:

  • Knowledge
  • Skill
  • Ability

– What is the rank of Saudi Arabia in cybersecurity?

Out of the world’s most competitive countries, the Kingdom ranked 16th out of 67.

What is Saudi Arabia’s cybersecurity strategy?

The cybersecurity strategy of Saudi Arabia includes five pillars:

  • Assure
  •  Defend 
  • Deter
  •  Develop 
  •  Engage 

Is cybersecurity good in Saudi Arabia?

The cybersecurity market surged with an estimated investment of $10.5 billion by 2032. Consequently, it highlights the importance of businesses adopting cybersecurity.

Domain Monitoring

Keeping track of domain registrations to identify and mitigate phishing sites or domains that mimic the brand.